Monday, January 12, 2009



A pinched little voice in my ear said "walk"
I was at the downtown Kennedy stop
No one was around me when my temperature dropped
and all the sudden I was covered with these black polkadots, they sang,

"Hello, hello, hello, hello he---"

I said, "Fine.
Nice to meet you glad to know I'm losing my mind
you can tinker with my inner and my outer design
but promise me I'll make it to the airport on time."

'Cause I was just looking for anything other than where I've been
'cause I was just looking for anything other than Providence
Maybe there's somewhere to settle in better than someone else
I'm hoping to hop on a plane and be safe to just be myself

I covered my arms, jammed my hands in my coat,
there were dots on my shoulders, and dots on my throat
- "hey" -
I tried to look chill, climb the steps of the bus
but climbing up my cheeks was the red royal flush

I was just looking for anything other than where I've been
'cause I was just looking for anything other than Providence
Maybe there's somewhere to settle in better than someone else
I'm hoping to hop on a plane and be safe to just be myself

Everyone stared when they saw what I had become
[crusting like a pie...]
I couldn't fit in the seat with my elytrum
[ hide and two antennas...]
They were so scared they ejected me onto the street
[...sprout forth from my human goo and...]
I would've crunched if it weren't for additional feet
[...make me brave and thick enough to shift my fulcrum...]

long en-
shell / [shell]


Anonymous said...

Who does the female vocals on coffeelocks? Your music is fantastic, btw!

Missy said...

Lauren Coleman is the female vocalist.