Friday, February 4, 2011

Live Nude Girls

There is very little time in this new corporate life of mine to do anything artistic, but recently I've given myself the gift of a Wednesday night nude drawing session at the arts college downtown. It's taken me a few sessions to get my wheels turning again, and I've got a long way to go before I could make something worth hanging, but it's been a really wonderful experience opening up a channel for something I used to spend a lot more time doing before music took over. Here are some roughs from the last few classes, most of them 20 minute poses:


Maren B said...

Did she seriously hold her hair up over her head like that the whole time?!

Gavin Castleton said...

naw, that one was a two minute pose.

October Surf Suitcase Fish said...

these are great.

i've always considered modeling for such things, but i haven't had the chance.

maybe someday, i'd love to see your work later on to see the progress!

Lorna C said...

These are great, Gavin. I've been photographing some of my figure studies drawings from college and been thinking alot about how nice it would be to go to this class with you. Wish I could find a way to fit it in...

Devi said...

These are beautiful, Gavin. absolutely would love to see more.