Thursday, December 13, 2012

Free Download - Holiday Hit Song "Tangerines"

It's that time of year when I suddenly get gooey-eyed thinking about how a bunch of people I don't even know support me and help me do what makes me happy. Here is a free hit song I offer as "thanks" to you - it's guaranteed to cheer you up this holiday season:

We gather at my sister's house on Christmas Eve
I tip toe through the snowflakes shaped like nephews and nieces
and I wish I had my son with me, but he died last year
It's only he knows what I went through just to still be here

and everything has changed
the only thing constant is

in my stocking again
something I can depend on

And the older I get, the more I miss the pulse of an old religion
as it becomes harder and harder for me to identify my breadcrumbs,
and I start to see the value of traditions like

like my mother used to give us
like my sister has continued
a fruit that bookends my years
they come as steady as the tears

And I used to brush off this stuff
when Lu was just a pup
but now I know

if you anchor yourself to the biggest things
they will pull you down when they start to sink
when drifting off to sea it's best to cling to simple things like

in my stocking again
one thing I can depend on

like my mother used to give us
like my sister has continued...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Gmoney.

Anonymous said...

You're the best, Gavin. Keep up the amazing work! We're all very much looking forward to that next album.