Today my album Home is available in hard copy (with gorgeous artwork by Justin Muir and Ryan Rogers) from Five One Inc. You should be able to buy it at a store near you - and if they don't have it, they can easily order it (feel free to look at them like they have headgear when they say "Gavin who?"). We won't have it at the Integers Only Store, at least not for a long time, so you should grab it now from Five One or Amazon or whatever.
I'm about to leave on a west coast tour this Wed, starting with a hometown show at Berbati's Pan in Portland, OR. The dates are on my myspace page. I'll be joined by the monstrous Omar Cuellar (of Facing New York fame) on the drums for the first half, and then we will be joined by Lauren Coleman (vocalist on Home), Douglas Showalter on guitar, and Bana Haffar on bass. We will be doing several songs off of Home, as well as some songs from my other releases that have never before been heard live. Wish me luck, I will need it. I've spent every waking moment of the last week programming a space-age looping rig with a million midi controllers and helmet. Fall River's biggest technology guru Brian Cass (pictured below with film guru Coco) has been fielding my panicky calls in the middle of the night trying to get things right. For that I thank him.
Come out to the show - even if my equipment blows up, it'll be entertaining, I promise. You can grab hard copies of Home at the show as well as brand new magical Home t-shirts.
photos by Mattie Dunlap, Chris Haskell, and Jaime Lowe.

I need money.
Went to the shows in Providence and Umass Dartmouth. Loved them both. I wish I could get a chance to see a show with Lauren Coleman. That would be beeeaaautiful. I'll definitely be seeing you in July on the east coast. Thank you for everything. -Tim
Hey there Gavin,
I've just orderd two copies of home today. I just hope they ship that stuff soon, to The Netherlands to be precise.
Maybe you should tour europe? We will be at your show, thats for sure.
p.s. Keep up the good work, etc. But I figured out saying the usual crap will make me look like a fool.
but still; I love your work.
There is a piece of land north of Oregon called Washington. Washington is bordered on the west by the pacific ocean, thus making it part of the west coast of the United States. Arizona and Nevada are part of the southwest. We Washingtonians get very sad when we see west coast tours that omit the Evergreen State. California and Oregon are part of the west coast, thus I must point out that you are embarking on an approximately 66.67% west coast tour.
In Short:
We miss you, we like you, we want you to serenade us. I mean lets face it WA is blowing up in the post-Twilight era. Be part of the movement.
Nick (Gruvis tattoo guy) and I really enjoyed your shows and I really loved snapping shots of your band. See ya in July.
I'm glad for the response in new England and I hope this tour now works out with Lauren-I think she will a really nice element to your shows.
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